SLH Timeline
SLH 2024 Timeline
May 11 - Self-Lovin' Hearts represented at Mentis' annual Youth Mental Health Festival at Napa Valley College; we provided activities including vision boards and affirmation-making
April 16 - Mentis therapist Maya Frazier spoke at the second biweekly ACHS chapter meeting on the sources of low self-esteem and how we can prevent those thoughts
February 23 - Second event at the ACHS Wellness Center hosted by SLH's ACHS chapter; students wrote love letters to their future selves to commemorate their current accomplishments, dreams, and goals for themselves
February 13 - Self-Lovin' Hearts and Teens Connect (program of Mentis) collaboration: Cozy Self Love Night with Mentis therapist Jessica Musgrove-Ortiz
February 11 - SLH Youth Executive Board launched
January 21 - SLH ACHS Chapter's first event at the ACHS Wellness Center; students wrote affirmation sticky-notes to hang up at the entrance and face-mask making to encourage self-care and cultivating a sense of community
January 14 - Founder Yesha Sacatani represented Self-Lovin' Hearts at 2024 Napa MLK Commemoration at Crosswalk Community Church to speak on the importance of self-love on youth mental health
January 12 - Affirmation Jars in the Quad event where students wrote and decorated affirmations for jars with different purposes (affirmations for self-love, those who feel lonely/anxious, etc.) in order to uplift one another through hardships while celebrating each other's successes
January 6 - Second club rush event for SLH's ACHS Chapter; 20 new members joined
SLH 2023 Timeline
December 7 - Last SLH ACHS Chapter meeting of the first semester: cookie decorating contest including a guide to facing burnout in honor of finals week
November 29 - SLH ACHS Chapter bath bomb workshop hosted during lunch
October 24 - Club Sales Day at ACHS: sold pipe cleaner flower bouquets, mini vaseline, and eye masks; earned $76
October 20 - Motivating Messages workshop hosted by SLH's ACHS chapter, about 15 cards collected
October 16 - SLH October Journal Challenge including daily prompts
October 13 - First SLH fundraiser: Dine & Donate at Sharetea, earned $98.95
September 18 - First SLH ACHS Chapter introductory meeting, gained a total of 69 club members
September 14 - SLH ACHS Chapter gained over 50 new members during ACHS Club Rush
August 27 - First SLH chapter founded at American Canyon High School (ACHS)
August 15 - SLH youth executive board coordinators joined the team
August 12 - First official Instagram and TikTok posts
August 6 - Self-Lovin' Hearts became an official nonprofit organization by the state of California